Ohboyohboyohboyohboy! Butch is so excited! Yesterday, the San Diego Gay & Lesbian News ran its first piece by Butch Jaxon (that’s me!). I am the SDGLN’s newest Social Contributor. Imagine that! Butch is a “social contributor” – not demented or diagnosable. Not, “that dude in the ladies’ room.” A “social contributor.” Wow.
A giant Thank You to the SDGLN and my wonderful editor, Morgan Hurley, for carrying my blog. You can check it out here: http://sdgln.com/social/2012/04/27/butch-tap-tapping-in. Please do, won’t you, dear readers? Let that lovely publication know they have made a good choice – the butch choice.
It’s butch to be a writer – no, a social contributor. Be butch.
So excited for you and soooo well deserved!
Thank you, Suzy! So wonderful of you to come by WP and leave a note. Sweet!