We won. Any gay couple legally married in a state will now be recognized by Feds (1138 more rights). Prop 8 was properly decided by Judge Van Walker. Let the marriages begin! We should be ecstatic. Yes, work to do, but don’t let that diminish our joy today. America is more equal today than it was yesterday.
Yeahhh! Now gotta find out if I can bring my fiance to the USA from the UK!
Great news today indeed! 😉
The answer should be a clear yes. :o)
Nervous as I type this…. making wedding plans now… hahahha! What a day! 😉
Mazel Tov!
Wedding plans in the works. Invites being designed. Can’t wait. This is the second best day of my life. The first was my partner proposing to me. 🙂
Congratulations from Europe! I really am delighted about the outcome of this. Now let’s hope the rest of the world follows suit!
Amazing blog, by the way 🙂
AMAZING! This is SO BLASTED AMAZING! And about damned time…