I’m excited to announce that I have decided to train for and compete in a Figure Competition. These are the women with mad muscles, zero fat on their bodies. It takes a ridiculous amount of training and commitment. No carbs. No cheese. No beer. Yes, no beer. I’m not sure I can do it, frankly. I have friends who do and they put me to shame.
If things go well, I’ll be in the best shape of my life. Actually, that will probably be true even if I fall far short of my goal.
I almost let the bikini requirement and the tanning stop me. But, then… where are we if we are afraid to try?
It’s butch to wear a bikini. It’s also butch to enjoy an April Fools joke. Be Butch.
Hahahaha! I fell for it!
Yikes, I was beginning to dread the prospect. I bit big time and the snap had my head spinning! Being flexible and willing to try new things are outstanding qualities but there have to be limits. So thankful that this was an April Fool’s joke!
I didn’t see you doing that… But, then, I thought it would be an incredible challenge for you. Good joke. But, seriously, you might try power lifting?