I realized today that the next post I write will be my 200th – in other words, this one. Wow. Happy 200th!
Here are some observations from me on this momentous occasion:

- Writing is good for me. Sometimes it is easy. Other times it is almost impossible. But it is always good for me. There are instances when I intend to write for you, and then there are times when I think I am writing for me. Frequently I am incorrect on the distinction.
- I am not as unique as I thought when I started this blog. My first post was on January 13, 2012. Almost 7 years ago. I started the blog, at least in part, to share with the world how different life is for me as a butch lesbian. I wanted to give voice to the discrimination I face on the daily and my particular difficulties. What I found out very quickly, through your comments, was that my experience was much more universal than I thought. That has been very good for me.
- When I started writing, I was in a relationship. That relationship ended. When it did so, I thought my world would end with it. But it didn’t. Indeed, because of this blog, I found the love of my life, and I married her as quickly as she would let me.
- I used to talk about my kids – only a little. Being a parent is very much a part of my identity, and so, I talked about it and them. Now, my kids are old enough to read my blog, and if they don’t read it, they have friends who do. This means no more cute stories about them running around naked in the courtyard when they were little, or tricks to scare away monsters. Oops. Well, you get the idea. Indeed, my daughter is now following me on Instagram. Gulp.
- I have been lucky enough to have a really wonderful universe of readers. I can count on one hand the times that I have had a troll or hater attack me or my writing. In the extreme, I have enjoyed positive, encouraging, and even appreciative comments from all of you. Thank you for that. Sincerely.
- The role of my blog and my alter ego, as it were, has changed in my life. For example, the more unhappy I am, the more turmoil I am in, the more often I write. The happier and more satisfied I am, the less frequently I post. When my health was in jeopardy this past year and a half, I could barely share a photo, let alone write. Accepting that my creative juices will ebb and flow is liberating.
- Similarly, trying to force myself to be more creative is like blowing on a string hanging in front of your face. It might make a lot of noise and wiggle a little, but nothing changes by doing so.
- I like being a blogger. I love being ButchOnTap. Thank you for supporting me in both.
It is Butch to reflect as you turn 200. Be Butch.