8 Months

Hi. I can’t believe you waited for me! I am so delighted. Thank you for that. It has been 8 months since I have written to you, or anyone. 8 months. 34 weeks. 244 days. I have wanted to write of late. Thought about posts. Written them in my head. But not on paper – or, rather, not on my laptop. I just couldn’t. For awhile – most of that time – I have been too sick to write. But after I started to feel better, I was overwhelmed with the idea of updating you. There is so much to share – or not share. What do I share? And down the rabbit hole I go.

So, you know what? I am just going to start writing. I like it. I need it. Writing helps my soul. It allows me to be creative, to use whichever side of the brain that is. It makes me smile. Enough with the rabbit holes.

I will most likely write about the past year in bits and pieces, sharing as I feel comfortable. Yes? In the meantime, I am sitting at a Starbucks downtown while my wife has a girls’ night out. I am the chauffeur this evening. Because of that, I find myself with a latte and my laptop. I am wearing the AirPods that I got for Christmas, which means I look a bit like a hipster idiot. What can I say? They work too damn well with my phone and so even though I think they look stupid on people (including me), I relented.

Here is a brief synopsis to bring us up to date. I had a year of medical issues. Three knee surgeries, one bone infection, a reactionary serum sickness, a DVT, a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot, 5 hospitalizations, weekly trips to the doctor, and daily trips to the physical therapists brought me through 2018 – just barely. I left my job so that I could focus on healing. It is a good thing that I did because I still cannot work. I spend about 4-5 hours every day working on rehabilitating my slick new titanium knee (at home exercises, PT, icing, and wearing a special brace).

I like to imagine that my knee makes me a little bit like the Terminator. After all, it is made of titanium. Just like the Terminator’s. This is a comforting thought because a Terminator knee “doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until [I] am dead.” That is really what I am looking for in a joint. Right? I will pass on the murderous intent and scary red eyes. Yeah, just the solid metal knee, thank you.

The myriad of medical issues, complications, and stressors resulted in a very serious heart issue in December. My heart was beating so fast that they had to shock me back into a steady rhythm. It was like my heart said, “Oh hell no. I am out of here.” Honestly, the heart thing was terrifying.

But, you know what? I am still here. Still alive. Still in good spirits. Still lucky enough to be able to drive a car, walk into a Starbucks, and sit down to write. As I claw my way back to sanity, I find myself feeling more and more butch. That has to be good enough for now.


13 thoughts on “8 Months

  1. Welcome back! Taking care of yourself is imperative, I am glad you took the time to do so. 🙂 Rock on with your bada** Terminator Knee.

  2. Wow, 2018 was a doozy for you !!
    But hey, you are here to tell the tale.
    Good wishes for a full recovery & here’s to a fabulous 2019 xx
    My nemesis in 2018 was skin cancer, but 2 surgeries & a cool scar later am enjoying still being here
    Onwards & upwards Butch

  3. 2018 stank for alot of people. Glad this is all behind you now. Heart issues are always scary. Specially with your other issues… yea if need be you coyld live wihout your leg..but…you can’t live without a heart!!
    I think more Stvestin than terminator…. Faster, and Stronger.
    Be well K

  4. Oh, loveie, it is so good to have you back!! I have missed your wit and insights. I’m so sorry 2018 was such a miserable and scary year. I understand, as mine was, too. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and not letting anything stand in the way 2019, because standing in one’s power is so very butch and femme.

  5. Oh my! The thing I hate about the internet is that people can just disappear and I don’t know if they are okay. And I actually do care! So I am very happy to read a post by you. Looking forward to more. And my knee throbs in sympathy with your knee’s continuing work toward health!

  6. Keep up the pt before long you’ll be good as new. I say this after having 15 pulmonary embolisms in the beginning of 2018 after having a bone marrow transplant from my femur to my ankle. I died 3 times btwn Feb and April then was on oxygen till August so don’t let the heart issue get you down. Like you I’m just now starting to feel like my butch self. I wish you luck on your healing journey.

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