Mrs. Jaxon

I am sitting in a tower suite at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas staring at Mrs. Jaxon. And, by Mrs. Jaxon, I do not mean my mother (hi, mom!). No, I mean my wife. We are here on our honeymoon. That’s right. Honeymoon. You know the amazing woman who answered my call out to the Universe? I wrote about her. Well, given that we were both hopelessly in love, I asked her to marry me a couple months ago – right about the time that my posts slowed down – and, well, she said yes. We got married last Saturday. And I couldn’t be happier.

When I have important really personal things going on, good or bad, I tend to retreat a little bit. I am sure you understand that it’s not my style to process those kinds of things here. I tend to process and then share later – once things are settled. Others do it differently, and I totally respect that. I always want to save my first thoughts, or my truest self for my family and friends. I can share with you all once those things are processed and shared in real life. So, proposal, wedding planning, and marriage are settled. And, now I can share.

OHMYGODYOUGUYS! I am married! In the coming weeks, I will share about what happened. I have lots of things to say about getting married from the Butch perspective. For example, I decided that I was neither the bride, nor the groom. Instead, I claim “Broom.” I’ll tell you how that went down next.

It’s Butch to “marry that woman already” (as one of my besties said). Be Butch.

15 thoughts on “Mrs. Jaxon

  1. Yay!! Congrats to you both!!! And I bet you made a handsome broom to her gorgeous bride! Can’t wait to hear about marriage from the butch perspective.

  2. congratulations!! and the penny has just dropped! grin. you weren’t in those spanking Thurston’s to pick up a takeaways or some random errand, you were sorting out a “come home to stay, forever”. well done mate. Broom on!!

  3. Broom!
    I applaud the risk taking and the celebration of love.
    (and also that you can finally do that legally in Vegas)
    Health and happiness to you both!

  4. Awesome Butch! Ain’t love grand? I met the love of my life a couple of months ago and we are planning a Ptown wedding next year. Best wishes to both of you, I miss your posts, but understand why!

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