Happy New Year everyone! I’ve spent most of the last 2 weeks in bed or on the couch because I’ve been really sick with Pneumonia. That didn’t stop us from ringing in the New Year, however.
Instead of splashing out on the town, we had a quiet night in as a family. My wife and kids and I played board games, did face masks, had yummy snacks, and a champagne toast and sparklers (outside) at midnight. It was wonderful.
Before the festivities began, we took care of our NYE tasks. Each of us got a new toothbrush and buff puff. Fresh towels went out. All of the garbage in the house was taken out before the bells. Dishes were washed and put away and the cat liter was done.
I don’t know where all of this comes from for me. I think it all appeals to my idea of a fresh start, the beginning of everything. I like to welcome it with a clean house, clean clothes, clean dishes, and a clean sponge. Is that weird?
Things were rough in the world in 2017 (in a massively understated kind of way), and they were rough on me personally as well. But even for me, there were some fantastic accomplishments. The year was wonderful for my wife and kids, and my dog and cats seem to be prospering. Anyway, I really like the idea of having a fresh start.
What traditions do you have on New Year’s Eve?
its Butch to allow yourself to start anew. Be Butch.